Investment Management

Professionals smile at each other during conversation in office building.

Investment Management

Investment Management

At Cogent Private Wealth, we understand that building and preserving wealth requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. Our Investment Management services are designed to empower you with personalized strategies that can help you achieve your unique financial objectives. 

“The first rule of compounding is to never interrupt it unnecessarily.”
-Charlie Munger

32% of clients working with full-service advisors feel they are not receiving advice that is in their best interest.

Source: J.D. Power 2023 U.S. Full-Service Investor Satisfaction Study

61% of Americans report that they own stock (Source: Gallup)

52% of households in the US report owning a mutual fund (Source: Investment Company Institute)

35% of Americans work with a financial advisor (Source:

61% of Americans report that they own stock (Source: Gallup)

52% of households in the US report owning a mutual fund (Source: Investment Company Institute)

35% of Americans work with a financial advisor (Source: